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Friday, May 27, 2022

Bottles Embossed Mexican Mustang Liniment Lyons Mfg. Co. New York.

Found Mexican Mustang Liniment Bottles
Above are two found Mexican Mustang liniment bottles.


Here is just a little of what the web site says about Mexican Mustang Liniment.

Here’s another all-healing Victorian wonder medicine, this time from the early 1850s, called Mexican Mustang Liniment. The main ingredient was rather startling: the Liniment appears to have been mostly crude petroleum oil. For Man & Beast. There is even a Trade Card (pictured below) showing a fallen lass and a horse with Mexican Mustang Liniment on its way!

And here is just one of the nice ads you will find at the same web site.

Source: web site.
See link below.

And here is the link. 

Embossed Red Rock Co. Jacksonville, Fla Soda Bottle.


Embossed Red Rock Soda Bottle.

his bottle is embossed RED ROCK CO., JACKONSVILLE,, FLA.

It is approximately 7.5 inches tall and has a bottom diameter of about 2 inches.

Bottom of Red Rock Embossed Bottle.

According ot my research, the Jacksonville Red Rock bottling company was formed in 1938.  The brand seemed to disappear by 1950.

Mr. G. T. Dodd, a wholesale grocer, joined the bottling business, forming the company of Hagan and Dodd. They in turn founded the Red Rock Company in 1885 with Dodd as president. It was Dodd who first introduced Red Rock Ginger Ale to the wholesale grocery trade for distribution, making it well-known in the south. The ginger ale had a spicy flavor from capsicum, an ingredient derived from hot peppers. Mothers also used it to calm their family's upset stomachs and to clear stuffy noses...

Beginning in 1938 the franchises that were granted quickly established Red Rock as a leader in the 12oz field with over 200 bottlers and by 1947, was bottled in 47 states. But by 1958, there were 107 bottlers throughout the country using Red Rock Cola concentrate. Sixty-six of there were under The Red Rock franchise, while another 41 bottlers were marketing the product under their own private brand...

Here is the link for more about that.

Red Rock Cola (


Monday, May 23, 2022

Embossed clear green Richmond, VA, BEAUFONT bottle. Beer, soda, or soda water?

Trade Mark Registered


This is a mystery bottle.  I've seen it described as a beer bottle and a soda bottle.  I haven't been able to positiveley identify it, though,  From what I've read, it could be a soda water bottle.


It seems the springs in the area were first used for brewing and then could have been used for other purposes.  Below is what I found.

Home Brewing, under the guidance of Fred "Fritz" Sitterding Sr., survived the national prohibition of alcohol by producing soft drinks and bottling drinking water in pre-filtration Richmond. By 1916, Sitterding purchased the Beaufont Lithia Springs company that produced water from springs at Beaufont (approximately where the Chesterfield Towne Center is today).

Sitterding used the verdant acreage as a family gathering place and for public rental. In 1926, he renamed the water division the Beaufont, but by 1932, public water treatment lessened the demand for bottled water. Instead, a different thirst required quenching...

Source: A Sign of Pleasure -

If you have additional information on the bottle, I'd be pleased to receive it.

Embossed Consumers Brewery Company Bottle From Rosslyn VA.


Embossed Consumers Brewing Co. Bottle.

Consumers Brewing Co. opened in 1890 and closed in 1902 it was open for 12 years. Items from breweries of this age tend to be more common and less valuable than some breweries. Early items can still be valuable as can rarer types of items. As a Pre-Prohibition Brewery, any advertising items or collectibles are likely to be valuable and desirable to collectors as they tend to be hard to find. Our information indicates that Consumers Brewing Co. was the only brewery that was located in Rosslyn, VA sometimes this means that items from a brewery will have extra value in the area it comes from because there are not other sources for local breweriana.

Source: Consumers Brewing Co. – VA 21a | Old Breweries Information | Brewer Iana Values

Another View of the Same
Consumers Brewing Co. Bottle From
Rosslyn, Va.

Consumers Brewery Company also had a bottling works in New York.


Thursday, May 12, 2022



This bottle measures about 8.5 inches tall, and has a bottom diameter of about two inches.

I have six of these bottles.  The one shown here has nearly clear glass.  The others are more green and opaque.  All were found between Stuart and Fort Pierce, Florida.


Other than the glass, its color and condition, so far I've found no differences in the six bottles.

Here is some history on the Stuart Bottling Works.

In July 1913, James Elersly Weir, Jr., purchased a pitch pine wooden building owned by Joseph A. Lucas, a real estate developer, located on an isolated dirt road (Decker Street) south of Stuart; he had it converted into a bottling plant, Stuart Bottle Works. Soft drinks were bottled, sealed with large snap off caps and distributed in Stuart, Palm City, Jensen, Salerno, Hobe Sound, even to Fort Pierce and Jupiter. Weir only remained in Stuart a few years, joining family in West Palm Beach, in the plastering business and later, an auction house.

The bottling plant building was eventually owned by Ira L. Decker, who operated a concrete manufacturing business and was used primarily for storage. In the afternoon of Feb. 6, 1933, while Decker and local firemen were battling a brush fire nearby, the building caught fire. The wooden structure quickly went up in flames making it impossible for Ira to retrieve equipment, vehicles or machinery.

At least two bottles from the plant survive, clearly marked Stuart Bottling Works, one of which can be seen at the Stuart Heritage Museum...

Return Money Back Deposit ACL Soda Bottles.

  Here is one group of Money Back Return Deposit ACL bottles found on the Treasure Coast.  I'll be adding others to this post.  Some bot...